Farewell 2015

Well it’s over.

2015 that is.

The last night of classes, and it was an awesome night. It’s been an awesome year.

It’s been the year of physical and, just as important, mental transformations for many of our members. Just take a look at 1 of our over 100 5 star reviews online…It’s incredible.

I’m talking 15, 20, 30, 40, and even 50lbs transformations, the right way, the healthy way, the lifestyle way…the John’s Gym way.

No gimmicks, No fads, no magic pills (the ridiculous infomercials are already playing on late night tv), just a group of caring people that show up every day for our family, the members.

John’s Gym was started because I was out of shape, depressed, and sick of the chain gyms that provide nothing but a cheap membership to sooth my laziness. I canceled every gym I’d ever been a part of basically looking the same was as when I entered.

It wasn’t until I found a place, like John’s Gym, that allowed me to lose 65lbs in a year and it changed my life. So much so that I moved to Austin and opened John’s Gym to spread the love and help others transform their LIVES like I had.

But it’s not even about me, that was the seed.

What John’s Gym has blossomed into is much more…where do I start?

The community, the friendships, the accountability, the amazing training, the hanging out outside of the gym, the traveling together to watch an MMA event or to compete in a martial arts tournament, the sweet, the growth, the changes, the opportunity to offer a free martial arts program to our Veterans as a simple “THANK YOU” for their service. It’s amazing.

Seeing a new person, come in with ZERO experience, deconditioned, and that person joining our cardio classes or strength classes or martial arts classes and STICKING WITH IT, and allowing us to be a witness to the amazing changes we see in their life is the best feeling in the world; and look, I’m not talking about physical transformations only…let’s be real.

John’s Gym is WAY bigger than that, physical transformation is just the beginning…it’s the confidence you gain, the fearlessness you gain, the discipline you gain by finding something you FINALLY like to do that’s physically active, it’s the reigniting of your inner athlete that you may have left behind in your High School or College days, it’s your significant other looking at you the way they did when they first met you because you’re taking care of your body and it shows, it’s the KIDS LIVES WE TOUCH – the confidence they gain, the butt kicking they sometimes need because they’re often glued to some electronic device outside of John’s Gym, the love we give them, the encouragement their teammates and coaches give them, the ONE true SACRED POSITIVE environment that they can feel safe in being themselves with no judgment and no “making fun of”…do you get what I’m saying?

I just couldn’t fit all that on the sign.

So family, Jasmine and I appreciate you, we really want you to know that.

I hope we and the coaches can continue to SERVE you in 2016.

Cheers and have a Happy New Year celebration and we’ll see you on the other side starting SATURDAY.

  • John and Jasmine