Women Self-Defense Statistics

Self-defense has historically been a very male dominated field, because of outdated ideals that men must “protect” their wives/girlfriends at all times. In the real-world women will not always be with their partners (or even have a partner) and must be able to protect themselves. Most people don’t even realize how many women are affected by violence in the U.S. on a yearly basis. Take a look at these statistics for crimes against women to see just how important self defense for women really is:

Violence Against Women Statistics

  • According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS), nearly 1 in 5 women have been raped in their lifetime, and approximately 1.9 women are raped in the U.S a year. Additionally, 1 in 4 women have been the victims of severe physical violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime. Women who reported being the victims of sexual or physical violence reported numerous health issues like trouble sleeping, chronic headaches, post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic muscle pains.
  • According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 7 women have been injured due to violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime. 1 in 7 women have also been stalked in their lifetime to the point where they believed they or their loved ones would be harmed or killed. 1 in 4 women have been victims of extreme violence including strangling, beating, or burning, while 1 in 5 women have been raped. Almost half of these rape victims (46.7%) say they were raped by an acquaintance, and half of those victims (45.4%) say they were raped by an intimate partner. Studies suggest that victims of sexual violence are more at risk for depressive behaviors and suicidal thoughts.

Many women assume that they are more likely to be attacked or sexually assaulted while walking alone in public during the night or early in the morning. While this certainly does happen, women are more likely to be victims of violence at the hands of someone they know and trust, including intimate partners. This is why self-defense for women is so important. It is not enough for women to avoid walking alone or get an escort to their vehicles. Women must have the tools and knowledge to defend themselves at a moment’s notice, as they will often be put into these situations with attackers that they know and might not expect.

Women Self-Defense Studies

Self-defense classes for women have become more and more popular in recent times as a way for women to feel safer and more prepared to fend off violent attacks. Just take a peak at these women’s self-defense studies compiled by the University of Oregon to see how impactful self-defense classes can really be:

  • Three independent studies concluded that women who complete a self-defense course are at least 50-60% less likely to be raped and are 33% less likely to report that someone had attempted to rape them.
  • Self-defense classes tends to decrease a woman’s fear and anxiety about being attacked while increasing her confidence, sense of self-efficacy, and self-esteem. They also tend to make women stronger and more confident in their own body and more comfortable in interactions with strangers.
  • Self-defense techniques do not increase the likelihood of injury during an attack, and many women who resist using techniques from self-defense classes have a reduced risk of personal injury during an attack.

These women’s self-defense statistics show that taking a self-defense course can not only make a woman feel safer during an attack, but also make her feel more confident and comfortable in her day to day life. Taking a self-defense course is a great way for women to fight back against the sexual and physical violence that has become so prevalent in the U.S. today.

John’s Gym Women Only Self-Defense Class

John’s Gym is proud to provide one of the first complete women only self-defense classes in the Austin area in order to empower women to protect themselves in dangerous situations. Our instructors have had extensive training in self-defense and have over 7 years of experience in self-defense education. Our self-defense classes cover a variety of different situations and techniques so that you will be prepared for anything an attacker may throw at you. In order to receive a free video preview of some of the techniques taught in our class, simply visit this page and enter your name, email, and phone number. You can also check out information on some of our other martial arts classes like Brazilian Jiu-JitsuBoxing, and Mixed Martial Arts.