The Right Way to Clean Your Boxing Hand Wraps and Gloves

Boxing hand wraps work like a sponge to soak up sweat in your gloves. Of course, it won’t take long before your wraps and your gloves start to smell like a locker room. Regular cleaning is important for hygiene, banishing bad odors, and guaranteeing your gloves last for years. After all, no one wants to be the person at the gym with the stinky equipment. Here’s how to clean your boxing hand wraps and boxing gloves without damaging them.

How to Clean Boxing Gloves

After every boxing class, make sure you take your gloves out of your bag and let them air out for a while. If the gloves don’t need to be fully washed, you can wipe the inside with a dry towel and leave them to air dry or use a hair dryer on a cool, low setting.

Sometimes you’ll need to actually clean the material to get rid of smells and disinfect the surface. Most boxing gloves are made from leather or synthetic leather. It’s important to use the right products to avoid deterioration when disinfecting and cleaning your gear.

Some people use a 50:50 solution of vinegar and water to clean their gloves. You can also use products designed for sports equipment like Odor Aid Spray, an antibacterial and anti-odor product. No matter which solution you use, you’ll need to let your gloves air dry for several hours or use a hair dryer on the cool, low setting before use.

How to Clean Your Boxing Wraps

Your hand wraps don’t have the same care instructions as your gloves. After a boxing class, you can throw your hand wraps in the wash with your regular clothes. Use a garment bag to keep the wraps safe in the washer and dryer. You can probably wash several wraps in a single garment bag.

Important Tips

These tips will help you care for your hand wraps and gloves to reduce damage and avoid bacterial growth.

  • Don’t use regular Febreze on your gloves or wraps. Febreze Sports Fabric formula can be used in between cleanings but it doesn’t replace actually cleaning your equipment.
  • Do not use harsh cleaning products on your boxing gloves. You can cause premature deterioration of the leather.
  • Never soak your boxing gloves in water or wash gloves that are not washable.
  • Do not store unwashed hand wraps and gloves in your gym bag. The sweat and moisture in the material will become a breeding ground for bacteria and the odor will become very strong. Let them air dry first then wash.
  • Do not store used hand wraps in your gloves. This will prevent them from drying out and spread the sweat and odor in the glove.
  • Wipe down the inside and outside of your gloves after every use.
  • You can try stuffing your gloves after every use to absorb moisture and odors. Some boxers fill their gloves with newspaper but you can also use glove dogs, cotton bags filled with cedar chips.