Author: johnsgym

Guide to Muay Thai Gear

New students often wonder what gear they need to get started with Muay Thai. And as students progress with their training additional gear is often needed for sparring and, eventually, competing. Below is some guidance on what gear is needed depending on where you are in your training journey.   At a high level, the…

Defensive Boxing Strategies for Boxers

The primary goal when boxers step into the ring is to go on the offense to take control of the match or training session. However, landing combinations and counter punches are only part of a winning strategy. Securing victories against other experienced MMA fighters also takes focusing on and developing an effective defensive strategy. Solid…

John’s Gym – Benching 101

Bench pressing has been an essential part of workout and exercise routines for fighters, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts for decades. Bodybuilders used the bench press to work their pecs as early as the 1940s and 50s.  Powerlifting became a separate sport in the 1970s mainly due to the popularity and effectiveness of the bench press….